Vulnerability Comparison: haproxy

Comparison chart for haproxy images

The following chart shows the past 30 days of Grype scans against the haproxy:latest image and the Chainguard Image. You can find more information about the haproxy image by checking out its README in the Chainguard Images Directory.

Note that all scanners may find false positives or miss false negative vulnerabilities. For more information about false results, visit our False Positives and False Negatives with Images Scanners page.

Vulnerability Details for haproxy images

The following tables of vulnerabilities include the total number of unique vulnerabilities detected in the last 30 days in the referenced external haproxy:latest image, and the Chainguard Image. The totals include patched, withdrawn, or contested vulnerabilities within the 30 day window. Refer to the individual vulnerabilities for more date information and extended descriptions.

Last updated: 2022-11-01 11:07